Inclement Weather

The decision to close schools due to inclement weather is made by considering several factors.

  1. Information from the state, county, and city officials focused on road conditions, along with both the short-term and long-term weather forecasts.

  2. Conversations with our facilities manager to ensure the parking lots can be open for parking both during the opening and closing of the school day.

  3. Temperature, including windchill factor.

  4. Wind velocity impacting the blowing or drifting of snow.

  5. Parents/guardians driving their children to school in poor driving conditions and high school-age students with little experience driving to school.

  6. Number of inches of projected snowfall.

The decision to close school is made by 5:30am or earlier. Families and staff will receive communication as soon as a decision is made to close schools. Please watch closely for a full closure or switch to virtual learning. Families will receive communication of a school closing in several ways.

  • We will post the closing on our District Website.

  • We will also post the closing on our District's Facebook page

  • We will use an electronic messaging system to call, email, and text families about the closure.

  • Closings will be posted on local media channels

    • Channel 4

    • Channel 6

    • Channel 12

    • Channel 58

Our primary concern is the safety of all students. If you do not believe it is safe for your child to go to school as a result of the weather, it is your right to keep them home.