Attendance/ Absence Reporting


Parents should report all absences using the Student Absence Report Form linked on this page prior to 9:00am if their child is not going to be at school unless a prearranged absence form has been completed. Your child will be marked unexcused if this communication is not made. All absences are recorded as one of the following:

Unexcused absence and/or tardies:

  • A student who misses part of a school day (part or all of one or more classes) shall be considered tardy and may be subject to the same conditions and dispositions as truancy.

 Excused absences:

  • temporary physical/mental illness (The principal/designee may request the parent obtain a written statement from a physician/medical professional. The excuse shall be in writing, and state the time period for which it is valid, not to exceed thirty (30) days.

  • emergency in the family

  • medical appointments (verification may be requested)

  • death in the family/funeral

  • religious holiday

  • court and/or legal appearances

  • approved school activities

  • special circumstances (approved in advance when possible)

Pre-Arranged Absence:

Students absent for reasons other than the above will be considered unexcused with this exception: parents may PRE-EXCUSE their child for any reason for up to ten days per year. This means that any absence for reasons other than the above may be excused providing there is a WRITTEN documentation.

For more information on Wisconsin’s Compulsory School Attendance read here

Attendance Link