Thank You Cudahy Families and Community Members!

On November 5th, voters approved two referendum questions from the School District of Cudahy. Community members approved a $10.4 million operating referendum with 59.6% of voters approving and a $12 million capital referendum with 62.9% of voters approving.
Superintendent Michelle Garven said she was grateful for the Cudahy community and thanked everyone who had supported the referendums.
The operating referendum allows the District to exceed the state-set revenue limits by $5.2 million each year for the next two years. These dollars will help the district avoid reductions in course offerings and services, and help to maintain district staff. The capital referendum will allow the District to borrow up to $12 million for building renovations. These renovations include safety and security upgrades for our schools and much needed infrastructure repairs.
“On behalf of the entire staff and School Board, we continue to be inspired by the commitment that the Cudahy residents show for our students and schools. We look forward to working with the community in creating our ten-year plan for the future. We appreciate this financial support in providing one of the building blocks for our continued success,” she said.

All residents of the School District of Cudahy are invited to learn more about the District's Operational and Capital Referendum at any of the community information meetings scheduled below:
Wednesday, October 2 at 6PM, General Mitchell Elementary, 5950 S Illinois Avenue
Thursday October 10 at 6PM, Cudahy High School, 4950 S Lake Drive
Wednesday October 23 from 10AM - Noon, Cudahy Public Library, 3500 Library Drive
Know How to VOTE!

In Person Voting:
All eligible school district voters may cast their ballot on election day at their normal polling location.
Bring Your ID to the Polls: Voters are required to provide photo identification at polling locations prior to voting.
Absentee Voting:
In Wisconsin, you don't have to wait until election day to cast your ballot - you can vote early for any reason as long as you meet the required dates.
Learn more at
Citizens' Updates
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Archived Documents
Moving Education & Facilities Forward in Cudahy
The School District of Cudahy Board of Education approved two important questions for the November 5, 2024, general election ballot. Residents of the Cudahy School District will vote on two referendum questions:
A 2-year, Non-Recurring Operational Referendum and
A Capital Referendum for critical maintenance items
It is very important to vote on both questions. EVERY VOTE MATTERS!
QUESTION 1: Operational Referendum Seeking $5.2 Million for two years
Like many public school districts in Wisconsin, the Cudahy School District has faced budget challenges for several years. The state of Wisconsin limits how much money schools can receive from any source, so school districts often need to ask local taxpayers for additional funding.
The District has been cutting expenses, delaying maintenance projects, and using savings to offset deficits. Meanwhile, the District’s current operating referendum approved in 2020 will end June 30, 2025.
What is the Operational Referendum?
To maintain the current level of operations and educational programming, the District will seek to renew this funding via the operational referendum question on the November 5 ballot.
If voters approve the Operational Referendum with a “yes” vote on November 5, they will be approving:
$5.2 million per year for 2 years: This funding will help maintain educational programs and services and pay competitive salaries for teachers and staff.
If voters approve the operating referendum, how will the funding be used?
Maintain class sizes to acceptable levels;
Continue existing programming for students:
Continue to offer regionally competitive salaries to attract and retain high-quality teachers and staff;
Question 2: Capital Referendum Seeking $12 Million for Building Repairs
Five of Cudahy’s school buildings are over 50 years old, and many essential systems, like roofs, heating, cooling, plumbing, and electrical systems, are aging and need repair. There are also safety and security concerns that need to be addressed.
Extensive community engagement sessions and a community survey occurred between February and July 2025 to determine if the District should close one or two schools to save money and avoid repairs. Community input indicated that more time is needed for a thorough analysis. Survey results were inconclusive on this topic.
Therefore, the Board of Education and District administration have committed to completing a one-year study to determine the best way to address the challenges of declining enrollment, excess facilities space, and increasing expenses and repairs. The study has been initiated and is expected to take place August 2024-July 2025.
Meanwhile, all schools have critical maintenance needs, and delaying maintenance to save money is no longer possible.
What will happen if the capital referendum is approved?
A capital referendum allows the district to borrow funds for specific purposes. In the case of Cudahy, we are addressing:
High-cost deferred maintenance, and
Safety and Security
Here is the list of critical needs that will be addressed by the November 2025 referendum.
Message from Dr. Michelle Garven
Message from Kari Durr, School Board President
Message from Lissa Skoglund, School Board Member
Community Information Session, October 23, 2024
Thank you to all of our community members and families who attended our Community Information Sessions! At our last one, on October 23rd, we welcomed Ann Chapman from WASBO (Wisconsin Association of School Business Officials). Ms. Chapman spoke to the community about why districts need to go to referendum. If you were unable to join us, you can watch Ms. Chapman's presentation here!
Message from Matt Billmyer, Director of Facilities
Message from Dr. Michelle Garven
How will the approval affect my taxes?

Referendum Frequently Asked Questions
Ballot Questions
Question Number 1: Shall the School District of Cudahy, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin be authorized to exceed the revenue limit specified in Section 121.91, Wisconsin Statutes, by $5,200,000 per year for two years, beginning with the 2025-2026 school year and ending with the 2026-2027 school year, for non-recurring purposes consisting of expenses to maintain operations and educational programming and for staff compensation?
Question Number 2: Shall the School District of Cudahy, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin be authorized to issue pursuant to Chapter 67 of the Wisconsin Statutes, general obligation bonds in an amount not to exceed $12,000,000 for the public purpose of paying the cost of a school facility improvement project consisting of: district-wide capital maintenance, safety, security, building infrastructure and site improvements; and acquisition of furnishings, fixtures and equipment?

More Information
Questions? Email us at info@cudahysd.org
You can find information on how to register and cast your vote at myvote.gov
Contact Us
Michelle Garven, Ph.D.
School District of Cudahy
5530 S Barland Avenue
Cudahy, WI 53110
(414) 294-7400