Dental Screening

Bridging Brighter Smiles offers preventative dental care right at your child's school!

If your child does not have a family dentist they routinely see for teeth cleanings and more, Bridging Brighter Smiles would love for you to enroll!

Services are provided during the school day, and visits are held throughout the school year. 

This program is open to all students without a family dentist in the district 4k-12th grade plus the 18-21 adult program and early intervention.

Enrollment forms can be found on the district website under Dental Screening or by using this link.

Contact Information

Deborah Schumaker  MSN, CPNP
School District Nurse
414.294.7424 (o)
608.792.0458 (c)
414.908.9649 (f)
Email Deborah Schumaker

Health Aide Contact Number

Cudahy High School
Phone: 414.294.2738

Cudahy Middle School
Phone: 414.294.2835

General Mitchell Elementary
Phone: 414.294.7103

J.E. Jones Elementary
Phone: 414.294.7154

Kosciuszko Elementary
Phone: 414.294.7203

Lincoln Elementary
Phone: 414.294.2934