
What is FitnessGram?

FitnessGram is essentially a student "fitness" report. It is designed to give parents, students and teachers an awareness of the students fitness related to their health risk.  It measures 6 areas that are needed for good overall health. The 6 areas measured include aerobic capacity, flexibility, muscular strength, muscular endurance, and body composition. A students fitness is directly related to their potential overall health.  

The report indicates if your child is in one of three result categories;

  • The Healthy Fitness Zone - indicates your child has sufficient fitness for good health.

  • The Needs Improvement Zone - indicates if a student continues at this level there is the potential for future health risks. 

  • The Needs Improvement Health-Risk Zone - indicates if a student continues at this level there is clear potential for future health problems.

The information from the FitnessGram report can be a tool that parents and  students use to identify areas in the students fitness that may need to improve. The report will give suggestions on how to improve fitness. Physical education teachers can use the tool to enhance the effectiveness of their physical education programs, create healthy school environments focused on prevention, and foster communication between parents, and students.

It is important to remember that if a student makes positive changes that improves their fitness it will decrease their chance for potential health risks. Having "good fitness" is not a one time event, it is a life long process. 

What to Know for the FitnessGram Screening   

The School District of Cudahy Physical Education Teachers conduct the FitnessGram Screening in the Fall and again in the Spring. All students in Grades 3 through 12 participate.

Screening results are shared with the parent/guardian by email at the end of the first semester and again at the end of the school year.

The report will indicate which of the three categories your child is in, if improvement is needed in a category, and if improvement is needed the report will give suggestions to improve your Childs fitness.  

Questions about the FitnessGram Screening should be directed to your child's physical education teacher or the school district nurse.

Contact Information

Deborah Schumaker  MSN, CPNP
School District Nurse
414.294.7424 (o)
608.792.0458 (c)
414.908.9649 (f)
Email Deborah Schumaker

Health Aide Contact Number

Cudahy High School
Phone: 414.294.2738

Cudahy Middle School
Phone: 414.294.2835

General Mitchell Elementary
Phone: 414.294.7103

J.E. Jones Elementary
Phone: 414.294.7154

Kosciuszko Elementary
Phone: 414.294.7203

Lincoln Elementary
Phone: 414.294.2934