Medications at School

What to Know if Your Child Needs to Take medication at School

All Wisconsin schools must follow State Statute 118.29 regarding medication administration at school. School District of Cudahy follows our  "Administration of Medication/Emergency Care Policy (po5330)" and "Medication Administration Guidelines" which complies with the State Statue.

We are happy to administer your child's medication at school in accordance with the laws.

Important points to remember include

All medications nonprescription/over the counter and prescription require the appropriate Medication Form and signature.
Nonprescription/over the counter medications require parent signature and must first be approved by the District Nurse before bringing to school.
Prescription medications require parent and medical provider signature.

All Nonprescription/over the counter medications must be in the original manufacturer's package/container with the original label intact and legible.
Prescription medications must be in the original pharmacy container with the original label indicating student name, date, medication, and current dosage.

All medications will be kept in the health room and stored in a locked cabinet. Medication is stored in a locked cabinet for safety reasons and to prevent access to other students.  

Exception will be for emergency medications such as EpiPen, Quick Relief Inhaler, Glucagon, and Diastat. Emergency medications may be self-administered and kept in an identified location such as locker, backpack, or kept with student if there is medical provider consent to do so. If possible we request a backup emergency medication to be stored in the health room that can be used if student loses or forgets to bring medication to school.

Medications can NOT be shared with other students at any time. This includes both prescription and nonprescription/over the counter medications including Tylenol, Advil, aspirin, cough drops, lotions, and ointments.

Medication Forms

Contact Information

Deborah Schumaker  MSN, CPNP
School District Nurse
414.294.7424 (o)
608.792.0458 (c)
414.908.9649 (f)
Email Deborah Schumaker

Health Aide Contact Number

Cudahy High School
Phone: 414.294.2738

Cudahy Middle School
Phone: 414.294.2835

General Mitchell Elementary
Phone: 414.294.7103

J.E. Jones Elementary
Phone: 414.294.7154

Kosciuszko Elementary
Phone: 414.294.7203

Lincoln Elementary
Phone: 414.294.2934