Ready For School

Medical Alert Form and Individual Health Plans

The "Medical Alert Form" is now part of your "Online Registration/Verification Process." As one of the steps you will be asked to complete the "Medical Alert Form." This step is required whether or not your child has health concerns.

If your student has a health condition that will require accommodations at school and/or may lead to a potential emergency your student will need a Health Plan created, please contact the District Nurse Deborah Schumaker prior to school starting or when you learn of the health condition. 

Special Dietary Needs Form

The "Special Dietary Form" is now part of your "Online Registration/Verification Process."  Please follow guidelines below.

  • If your child has medically diagnosed food allergies or a medical condition that requires accommodations in their diet.

  • Download the Special Dietary Restrictions Form from the online registration or the return verification process.

  • The form must be completed and signed by your child's medical provider.

  • A parent/guardian must also sign the form.

  • Return completed signed form to your school's health aide.

If there is any change in your Childs health condition please update the online forms and let your Health Aide know.  

If you have Questions about filling out the form please contact Deb Schumaker, School District Nurse.

Immunization Record

Immunizations required by the State of Wisconsin for each age/grade level need to be up to date by the first day of school. 

If your child is initially entering our school district you will be required to provide their immunization record.

As your child receives additional immunizations you are required to provide the school with an updated immunization record. Please note in order for your child to be compliant with school entry requirements for immunization they either need to meet the specific immunization dose requirements or have a signed waiver on file with the school. The signed waiver can be a personal conviction or religious waiver for the specific vaccination(s), or have a medical waiver signed by a healthcare practitioner.

Medications at School

All medications that will be given by the school must be delivered to the school by an adult and in the original labeled container with the appropriate completed Medication Form

Non-Prescription/Over the counter medications require a parent/guardian signature and must first be approved by the District Nurse prior to bringing to school. 

Prescription medications require a physician/medical provider signature. Please request this from your medical provider before school starts. You may use our "Prescription Medication Form" or the medical provider may use their own form. Turn in the form or have your medical provider fax to the school. Fax numbers are listed at the top of our "Prescription Medication Form." 

Contact Information

Deborah Schumaker  MSN, CPNP
School District Nurse
414.294.7424 (o)
608.792.0458 (c)
414.908.9649 (f)
Email Deborah Schumaker

Health Aide Contact Number

Cudahy High School
Phone: 414.294.2738

Cudahy Middle School
Phone: 414.294.2835

General Mitchell Elementary
Phone: 414.294.7103

J.E. Jones Elementary
Phone: 414.294.7154

Kosciuszko Elementary
Phone: 414.294.7203

Lincoln Elementary
Phone: 414.294.2934