GM 4th Graders

Here at Cudahy School District, we know it’s never too early to begin teaching our students how to be wise consumers. 

That's why during our General Mitchell’s 4th grade economy unit in Social Studies, their teachers brought in two trusted members of the community, Allison and Erin from Trustone Credit Union, to share their knowledge. 

Allison and Erin shared insights about what it means to be a consumer and how to be wise shoppers and wise savers! Students learned the cost comparisons between brand name and store brand products, as well as ways to each month by doing chores and providing services for their community, and the importance of saving that money in a savings account. 

A big shoutout and thank you to Trustone Credit Union for helping our 4th graders become informed and responsible citizens of the future! 

#CudahyPride #GMMustangPride #YoungEconomists #CudahyCCR