anna adl

In an era where the challenges facing children with disabilities are manifold, it is important to witness individuals who not only recognize these challenges but also actively work towards alleviating them. One such individual is Anna Adl, Cudahy School District’s Early Childhood Inclusion and K4 Coordinator, whose relentless efforts have recently been acknowledged by the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC), Division of Leadership and Legacy, through the prestigious recognition of a “Bright Spot.”

Anna Adl’s exemplary work focuses on preventing and responding to the maltreatment of children with disabilities. This area, often shadowed by other concerns, is critical, given the higher incidence of neglect and abuse experienced by children with disabilities. By collating extensive data from her interviews, Anna has been instrumental in enhancing the resources, knowledge, and skills necessary for parents and professionals working with these children.

Serving as the 4K inclusion coordinator, Anna Adl plays a pivotal role in promoting inclusive practices among young learners. Her journey in education is marked by diverse roles, including a special education teacher, program support teacher, and new teacher induction coordinator, each contributing significantly to the district's mission of educational excellence.

In December 2022, Anna's expertise and commitment were further recognized through her election to the Board of Directors for the Council of Exceptional Children. Her role on the board is not just honorary; it entails crucial responsibilities like overseeing the financial health of the CEC, advancing its mission, and ensuring legal compliance and effective organizational planning.

It is a moment of pride and appreciation as Anna Adl receives recognition from the CEC, an organization dedicated to the success of children and youth with disabilities. Being named a “Bright Spot” is not just an accolade; it's a testament to her unwavering commitment to advocacy, her excellence as an educator, mentor, and advocate, and her empathetic and compassionate approach to supporting students, families, and staff. Anna’s work, driven by her belief in putting children first, has made a significant difference in many lives.

We celebrate Anna Adl for her extraordinary contributions and the profound impact she has made in our own Cudahy community and beyond. Anna’s story is a reminder of the powerful change that dedicated individuals can bring about in our society, especially in the lives of those who need it the most.