Art Collaboration Academy

Last week, a group of 3rd graders from all four elementary schools embarked on their first session of the Art Collaboration Academy, a brand new program that pairs them with high school art mentors to create artwork together.

For this first session, each third grader brought a creature they had drawn to life, while their high school mentors drew subjects like math, science, English, etc. out of a hat, and their challenge was infusing these academic elements into the creature's world! 

Imagine a dragon calculating geometric shapes or a mythical creature exploring scientific mysteries - this session was all about blending artistic imagination with academic themes. 

This group will continue to meet throughout this semester. We can’t wait to see the incredible artwork these young minds will create and the leadership skills our high school students will develop! 

A big thank you to Mrs. Cutts, our high school art teacher, along with Ms. Belan and Ms. Coburn for working with her to create this opportunity for our 3rd grade and high school students!