Does your child(ren) need their vaccinations before school starts? Look no further! The Cudahy WI Health Department will be hosting a vaccine clinic right here at Cudahy Middle School next Wednesday from 5:30pm-7:00pm. Check out the flyer from more details!
over 1 year ago, Clare Canfield
back to school clinic
Thanks to the generosity of Cudahy teachers and staff, the Cudahy School District was able to donate $500 to the Sojourner Family Peace Center to help families in need of shelter and support. If you would like to learn more about Sojourner and the services they offer, visit their website at
over 1 year ago, Dr. Tina Owen-Moore
Sojourner donation 2023
This spring, students in the life skills group at Cudahy High School worked with Mr. Casper during I/E to build different woods projects. One of their most fun projects was to make Charcuterie boards and to invite Mr. Casper to a charcuterie party. Check out their fantastic work! #Cudahy #CudahySchools #cudahycte #packerpride #generationsofpride
over 1 year ago, Clare Canfield
Olivia Reyes is a 2017 Cudahy High School graduate and is the daughter of Michelle Reyes, recently retired CHS staff member. Olivia recently won a fellowship to perform with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra! We are so very proud of you. Congratulations, Olivia!
over 1 year ago, Clare Canfield
Olivia Reyes CSO Fellow
This spring, Ms. Vollmar's class received National Park Passes. We hope they're out and about this summer and getting to enjoy our national parks! #Cudahy #CudahySchools #nationalparks #CudahyPride
over 1 year ago, Clare Canfield
park passes
Save the date! The Cudahy elementary PTOs and the Rec Department are planning an all elementary Fun Run and Carnival. Details are still being worked out, but it will be held on Sunday, September 17 from 10-noon. It will start and end at General Mitchell. We hope to see you there! #Cudahy #CudahySchools #FunRun2023
over 1 year ago, Clare Canfield
Save the Date
Summer school is fully underway in Cudahy, and students and staff are having a blast. Here are a few pictures from the first couple of weeks. #cudahy #CudahySchools #cudahysummerschool #summer2023
over 1 year ago, Clare Canfield
summer school
summer school
summer school
summer school
summer school
summer school
summer school
summer school
summer school
Summer School 23
STATE BOUND!!! Good luck, Kacie - we are all behind you!
over 1 year ago, School District of Cudahy
state qualifier, katie polenz shot put
Students and staff from the restorative practices council have put together this great event in collaboration with the Cudahy Health Department. There will be community-building circles and a data walk highlighting data that the youth want to create action plans around. They will be looking for community input on how we might do so together. There will also be plenty of fun activities for families and the community. Please join us on June 3rd, if you are able, for a day full of inspiration, collaboration and restorative practice. 💞🌀☀️If you are able to join us, please RSVP here:
over 1 year ago, School District of Cudahy
celebrating community, restorative practice in cudahy, circles facilitated by students from cudahy high school, youth data walk, music and art, face painting, community resources, and more, june 3 12pm to 4pm, cudahy high school auxillary gym, present in collaboration with students from the school district of cudahy the cudahy healthy department
Check out our local firefighters helping Lincoln students with their time capsule projects 😍 Thank you to everyone who scaled the heights to make this possible. A fun time was had by all! #cudahy #CudahySchools #lincolnelementary Cudahy Fire Department
over 1 year ago, School District of Cudahy
kid holding the time capsule item in his hand after it floated down
kids catching the item that floated down from the roof of the building above while sitting against the fence for safety
firefighters dropping a item with a parachute while kids watch from below
firefighters on the top of the building
picture of kids below by the playground the photo taken from above on the roof
firefighters waving from the top of the building
Congratulations to 11th grade artist, Julisa Lopez! Julisa took 1st place in the Wisconsin 2023 Aviation Art Contest. She won a discovery flight airplane ride for her and a guest. Her work will advance to the national competition in Washington D.C. and possibly to the international competition in Switzerland. #Cudahy #CudahyArt #CudahySchools #PackerPride #WisconsinAviation
almost 2 years ago, School District of Cudahy
Aviation Contest Painting
This afternoon, the Cudahy Art Coalition LLC hosted a scholarship fundraiser luncheon and provided two scholarships to some very talented Cudahy art students. Congratulations to Karley Farber and Robert Mitchell. Both of you have very bright futures! #Cudahy #CudahySchools #CudahyArt #CudahyHighSchool #PackerPride
about 2 years ago, School District of Cudahy
Art students karley farber and robert mitchell